Day by Day cartoon

Monday, May 02, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

But what's different today than any other, right? Is finals week so I'm just about ready to be less busy but first I've got to get through 2 tests and a group presentation between now and Wednesday night. There is good news, one of the tests, management is a take-home and the instructor is an idiot, so that test should be a no-brainer. The second test, in microeconomics, is a proctored test and also open book. I have NOT been looking forward to this test because I have not done as well in this economics class as I would have liked. Fact is, this is the toughest class I have taken so far in my degree pursuit. I only discovered last night that the test would be open book and with that variable solved I think I've got at least a fighting chance of getting out of there with a B grade.

The group presentation for management should actually be fun, we are presenting our fictitious high speed monorail company, the Northern Utah Transit. Yes, our slogan is "Ride the NUT." The group I am in is without a doubt the best of the groups in the class and we work pretty well together. Yesterday we met for a couple hours to review each others material, coordinate our numbers and build the PowerPoint slides to support out presentation. And of course, since the company operates monorail trains, we end our slides with the monorail song from the Simpson's TV show... In our first presentation a few weeks back we used the Springfield Quickie-Mart as part of our introduction skit. This time we are playing it straight throughout the briefing and then ending with a light hearted note.

Noah is officially a grown up, his 21st birthday was this past Thursday. We celebrated at Famous Dave's for a barbeque feast with his (still) girlfriend Lily. Kye, Sara and Astin joined us too though Sara wouldn't let me give Astin a rib bone to gnaw on. Not yet anyway...

Friday was a trip to Heber City with the BSU to pick up some off-roading parts for the Tracker for the boy's b-day present. It turned out to be a very nice day for a little drive and both of us had a very nice day. Lots of green in the farmlands along the river right now and the pastures were home to many gangly calves and frolicking lambs to entertain us as we passed by. We even stopped at a neat gift shop in Heber where we purchased a piece of steel house art that will require my installation attention later.

Saturday was all homework and grocery shopping, Sunday was more homework for the morning, followed by the previously mentioned presentation review and kart racing at Speed Street in the afternoon. That was Noah's request for his birthday, so he brought along two of his buddies and we spent a few hours racing, playing video games and shooting pool. And eating pizza. It's a terrific way to burn up some money and get the adrenaline flowing!

Anyway, class finishes up on Wednesday, then I'm free until the first week of June! I've got yard work to do, the scooter parts need installed and I've promised to get the camper out and spend a weekend or two just relaxing with the spouse in the woods someplace. I should also be hunting down and installing a replacement motor in Kye & Sara's second car and the truck needs some maintenance this month. Lots of relaxation, right?

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